Saturday, August 16, 2008

Brains make you dumber.

Hey all,
Well, during in my time in Roswell, I've been trying to pick up on subtle differences between academic, biological science and biology for practical purposes (such as occur at the BLM). I found something interesting in talking to my boss Steve. They're doing interviews for a new Wildlife Biologist position opening up in Roswell (a spot i declined interest in), and Steve has interviewed a handful of guys. He refers to the by their GPA's in college: "Two 4.0's, a 3.6, a 3.2, and a 3.0" And he's showing preference for them in inverse order. Yep, favor based on low GPAs, so far.

To those of you who've just graduated college (most of you, i'd imagine), this must offend the hell out of your scholastic sensibilities. The reasoning for it is this: the higher the GPA, especially with anyone insane enough to have a 4.0, the higher the ability to use high-end, complex reasoning skills and brown-nose your ass off. Big frickin whoop. This is the real world, Commie. The worse you did in college, the more time you presumably (pending interview) spent gaining valuable social skills, doing things you weren't instructed to do, or things you were instructed not to do, and gaining real world skills. And the more likely you are to operate a truck without needing "instructions."

And you know what, he's right. Me and my education get the damn truck stuck in the sand far too often, and for the other guys I work with, pulling a truck out of the sand is just called Saturday. Hey, any idiot can catch a lizard. To do so without suffering a critical existential crisis WHAT AM I DOING HERE takes at most a 2.6 GPA.

I went to Carlsbad Caverns & the Guadalupe Mountains of Texas today! The caverns are HUGE, sweet, and limestone-y. The mountains were good, a nice little hike and a jaunt into neighboring Texas. The Caverns are about 2 hours south of here... pretty much something i had to do during my time in New Mexico, and I'm glad I did it. As time might be winding down, hey, time to exhaust any cool things around here to do.

1 comment:

Susan said... job is really good at making me wonder if I learned anything in college, just because everything is sooooo particular. Once I found myself sayin, "You know, despite the way it looks, I have actually used a pipette before." They still like a high GPA, though :) Then again, I don't have to drive a truck through sand.