Sunday, July 20, 2008

The Land of 28 Lakes

Upon moving to Roswell, the first thing here that surprised me was the SCUBA shop on 2nd street. I went in and talked to the owner, told him that I'd just moved from Minnesota, and explained my surprise that SCUBA diving would actually exist in New Mexico. With surprise, he said "Why? We have 28 lakes here." Big frickin' whoop, I think. We've got 10,000! (actually, more like 13,000. With names at least).

That said, i got hooked up to the aquatic scene in Roswell. I've been diving once already--on a "trash pick-up", but really an excuse to dive. And this past weekend, tubing & wakeboarding near Carlsbad. = Good times! man i'm red though. And sore. and... smell like coors light. good weekend.

Gotta say, when I left Minnesota/Wisconsin, I thought I'd be leaving lakes for quite a while. That hasn't turned out to be the case! I heard (not sure if I believe...) that New Mexico of all states has the highest boat ownership per capita. And all for 28 lakes? Jeepers.

People down here, upon hearing I'm from Minnesota, seem disappointed that I don't have an accent. And hey, I'm happy: Non-regional diction is a good thing, right? The locals down here do kind of have an accent. Sort of Texan, I guess. Which brings me to another point, New Mexico seems to have a serious man-crush on Texas. And the rest of the south in general. I'm so fricking sick of seeing the Confederate Flag. C'mon guys, New Mexico became a state some 45 years after the Civil War ended! Do the math! I haven't figured out why this place wants to be Alabama so bad. I guess some mysteries are better left unsolved.


amy said...

good god, watch where you step. sounds like the whole state is a drowning hazard. but really, who doesn't have a man crush on TX? It's just so damn sexy.

amy said...

ps: you do to have an accent. probably from seducing all those turkeys ;)

AKBM said...

Thanks to you and New Mexico's man-crush on Texas, I must now clean lentil-spew off my screen. Thanks, man. Thanks.