Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Snakes on a Plate

So, I had my first meal of Western Diamondback tonight. Seems it's actually a pretty common thing to eat here, and you know, it's not unlike beef! Everyone else will tell you that snake tastes like chicken... but of course anyone claiming that something that's not chicken "tastes just like chicken" is being an unoriginal, ignorant clod.

The guys I work with bashed it with a shovel for its skin and rattle, and i figured I could take the rest and make dinner. Very Indian, kind of a 'noble savage' thang. I'm sure Michael Pollan would approve.

In other, exciting news, I get to attend the 2008 ESA Conference in Milwaukee from August 3rd thru the 8th! (That's Ecological Society of America... not to be confused with the Endangered Species Act). I'm stoked. I conveniently padded my flight times a couple days before & after the conference... to of course have some Minnesota time to break up all this Roswell madness. So, I'll be in the Twin Cities Thursday & Friday and a bit of time afterward............. yeah!

So enough with titles of posts that are also flavors. I'm kind of liking the whole movie parody thing (this post, of course, parodies the 2006 Samuel L. Jackson masterpiece, Snakes on a Plane). Speaking of movies...

-I finally saw the new Rambo tonite. Pretty good, and cool that it took place in a real-world genocide that few people know about, Burma. Let's hear it for senior citizens taking on military juntas!
-Saw new Batman, and can't say anything that hasn't already been said. Excellent movie.
-Last, I was watching Casino Royale for the fourth time the other day, and it occurred to me. If anyone makes a movie about my life, I really, really want to be played by Daniel Craig. I know, i know, i've gotta hit the gym. just sayin.

1 comment:

amy said...

you know, i really don't think Daniel Craig is badass enough to cook a rattlesnake. This is sounding more like stallone territory. did you sautee it, or do you have a grill or something? did you put sauce on it? was it bony? did you eat the head? that is SO BITCHING COOL ben. i'm feeling really lame right now.