Sunday, June 22, 2008

Back to School

You know, it occurs to me that technically, it took me three weeks post-graduation before I moved back into college (ENMU -- go Cougars!). But being at a college where you for all practical purposes don't belong isn't all Van Wilder... no, no -- i had serious business to attend to this past weekend. In the form of the class that makes this affordable housing all possible: Basic Life Support for Emergency Health Care providers.

I majored in Biology. Now if you know me well, i'm firmly entrenched in the non-medical side of the science. You know, the biology that deals with plants and animals and stuff. In fact according to recent studies, over 87% of all biology occurs outside of hospitals (Clifford, unpublishable). Nevertheless there is something of a vested interest in knowing what to do if you see a guy dying. Fair enough, and i need to take something if i am to stay here... so they can have my weekend.

In truth it took a little under 4 hours--start at 8, test out before lunch. The course is complete, and I get to be a card-carrying CardioPulminaryRespiro... guy. Sort of like Peter in Family Guy. sweet!

ENMU is such a different college than St. Olaf. I looked through a course listing, and was struck by the juxtaposition of deciding between Intro to Religion and Intro to Refrigeration. One perk: we do have our own airport. St. Olaf could use its own airport. Reference, anybody?

The rest of my weekend I spent biking around Roswell. Found the nice part of town on Saturday. Roswell was billed to me as a retirement community, which I was able to confirm about on my bike (why anyone would retire in 100+ degree heat eludes me; sounds a bit... fatal, frankly). So, not really a lot of young people down here. Of those that are, a great deal are put up in the NM Military Institute. Come to think of it, there are a lot of random military installations down here. Sadly, also occupying local youths are gangs, and a rehab center nearby.

And today I finally made it to the Alien & UFO research museum! Roswell's funny - it pulls in so much in tourism and notoriety for the crash that happened some 60 miles northwest on some guy's ranch. I learned quite a bit of background today at the museum, and yes, it actually is a really interesting case. I shall relay more later.

to my sister Megan, and her fiance Joe who just got engaged!!!
I shaved my head again! overshadowed here perhaps by my sister's engagement, but i like it and it was the only reasonable thing to do.

I return to the field tomorrow. I'm quite terrible at catching lizards so far... mehaps i can turn it around.


amy said...

oo, ooo. picture of head. stat.

intro to refrigeration? that's nearly unfathomable. what in God's name do you do in that class? how much can you learn about fridges? then again, probably more practical than religion. hmm. good luck wrangling lizards.

amy said...

and congrats on your really cool new be brother in law.

AKBM said...

Your blog is really awesome. I will continue to read it. And puppies- YES!

Anonymous said...

"Yale *could* use an international airport, Mr. Burns." --from the episode in which we meet Mr. Burns' son. glad you're having fun down in the dry heat. keep on posting.

Butterfly said...

Ben, you seem to enjoy your life and your new hairstyle, too!
I can't wait to hear your adventurous story later on. so much fun to read your blog.!! :D
if i make my new blog, i will let you know. Have a great week !!