Saturday, November 29, 2008

Oh man, uh, i'm a little behind

Holy shit holy shit holy shirt... so, i guess i got a little lazy with the blog. A few updates since i left Roswell:

I have a job! I work 40 hours a week at a home-brewing, wine-making and gardening supply store in Spring Lake Park. Makin bank, learning about brewing, wine-making, and possibly hydroponics?

I make beer! It's easy. You should too. and wine. and... tomatoes.

I have friends, who i see, like, all the time now! woo! I cook meals and share dear warmth with Nicole, drink beer with Mike, make beer with Dave, eat stuff with Sam, smoke cigars/discuss theology with Alan... i am happy.

My fantasy team continues to be awesome. So, back when i put the Seahawks in the Super Bowl and predicted Matt Hasselbeck to be the second coming of Christ. I meant Matt Cassel, and was talking about the Patriots. sorry for the confusion.

Oh, and I get to watch the Vikings now. su-wheet.

And i might finish bartending school, and i might not.


Will said...

Just made my third batch of beer yesterday

Nicole said...

Yay update! So...I live with you, but I still like reading your blog. Is that strange? Maybe I just like hearing your perspective on things.

And for the record, I like sharing food and warmth with you too, but I think you already knew that. :-)

Additionally, the scramble of letters below wants me to type "dromp" into the box to make sure I'm not some crazy spam robot. Can dromp be a new word now? As is, "The Bears totally dromped all over the Vikings!" or something to that effect.